
Harry Malesovas

Under the name C.H.U.M. I have been crafting sculptures, paintings and drawings which tackle the idea that humans are more than a single story.

My work focuses on specific events which have shaped who I am today. Each piece serves as a portrait of the inner me at influential moments in my life. Most of my early childhood I repressed many of the emotions I felt besides happiness until I reached a point in which I could no longer hold in my bottled feelings. This unhealthy coping technique finally subsided after attending sessions with an art therapist, who gave me the skills to unearth my feelings and confront them.

These monstrous forms are the byproduct of my healing process and signify the emotions that arose through awareness rather than habitual repression. The imagery composing these works are drawn by retrospectively observing periods from my life that I want to further understand. From afar my monsters can seem like one large figure and a single conclusion may be drawn about them; just as it can with people. However, after closer examination of my work, it is evident that there is far more detail that makes up the whole, like how the details of our distinct experiences and emotions make up our inner selves.


2021, BFA University of North Carolina Asheville BFA in Ceramic Arts


2021, Gallery Intern with the Center For Craft

Teaching Experience:

2022, Teaching Assistant for Ceramics 1 working under Ceramics Head Megan Wolfe, UNC Asheville

Solo Exhibitions:

2022, Hex at the Mothlight or How I Became Green With Jealousy, Green Room Gallery, Asheville, NC

2021, Legion, S. Tucker Cooke Gallery,  Asheville, NC

2020, Chum Art Exhibition, Sunflower Gallery, Asheville, NC

2020, Commons Collective With CHUM Art, Commons Collective Gallery,  Asheville, NC

Group Exhibitions:

2022, Junk In The Trunk, Baltimore ClayWorks, Baltimore, MD

2022, Deviation - Solo and Collaborative works by Harry Malesovas and Anna Kramer, Slouch Gallery, Weaverville, NC

2022, Emergence: A Survey of Southeastern Studio Programs, The Bascom, Highlands, NC

2022, The Collective Works of Samuel Joyner and Harry Malesovas, Blowers Gallery, Asheville , NC

2021, Annual Big Crafty, Pack Square , Asheville, NC

2020, Annual Big Crafty, Online, Asheville, NC

2020, The Undergrowth Lunar Function, Foundations Gallery, Asheville, NC

2019, Annual Big Crafty, Harrah's Convention Center, Asheville, NC

2019, Illustration and Narrative Art, Zapow, Asheville, NC

2019, 52nd Annual Juried Student Showcase, Ramp Gallery, Asheville, NC

2018, 52nd Annual Juried Student Showcase, Asheville Area Arts Council, Asheville, NC


Malesovas H. Interviewee “Blowers Gallery exhibition displays Harry Malesovas and Samuel Joyner’s juxtaposing artistry.” The Blue Banner. January 26th, 2022 https://thebluebanner.net/12949/arts-features/blowers-gallery-exhibition-displays-harry-malesovas-and-samuel-joyners-juxtaposing-artistry/

Video Publications: 

Malesovas H. Interviewee “CHUM Basement Gallery.”  The Commons Collective. January 8th, 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPWxt3D7o3w&ab_channel=THECOMMONS